Please be advised that effective May 1, 2019 there will be changes to the traffic signal at the intersection of Main Street and Garfield Avenue. Beginning on Wednesday May 1, 2019 and each subsequent evening into the next morning, from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., the traffic signal will flash yellow to Main Street and red to Garfield Avenue. A flashing yellow light indicates that drivers are required to slow down and proceed with extreme caution. A flashing red light is the same as a stop sign. These indicate that vehicles must come to a full stop before proceeding further. The speed limit is not changed.
Further, the “no turn on red” traffic signs will be updated at this intersection. The new signs will illustrate “No Turn on Red 7:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. on School Days”.
These changes are the result of a recommendation from the Public Safety Committee to Village Council. Village Council approved these changes in January 2019.