On Wednesday May 11, 2022 the Village of Swanton will be smoke testing the sewers on Forrester; South Main Street between Airport Highway and Swanton Cemetery; and Airport Highway between Paigelynn Street and Main Street. Smoke testing is used to find broken pipes and connections to the sewer.
The Village of Swanton hired Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd., for this testing. All personnel involved with the testing can be properly identified either by badges or clothing. Please contact the above mentioned Village personnel if you have any concerns about the testing crew.
This testing is scheduled to take one day. The study will involve opening manholes in the streets and public utility easements and blowing smoke through the sewers with a portable blower. An important task of the testing will be to locate defects in the sewer system. The smoke testing will also reveal sources where storm water and other surface waters enter the sanitary sewer or combined sewer system.