Shannon Shulters
Village Administrator
Direct 419.826.0701
Cell 419.583.0616
Shannon became the Swanton Village Administrator on July 11, 2022. As Village Administrator, Shannon’s duties include but are not limited to: managing the day to day operations of municipal services except for the Public Safety Department, ensuring laws and ordinances are enforced, advise and make recommendations to Council, and execute contracts and agreements on behalf of the Village of Swanton.
Shannon grew up in Metamora, OH. As an Evergreen High School graduate she went on to further her education by obtaining her Bachelor of Business Administration majoring in Organizational Management from Tiffin University. Shannon worked as the Assistant Director for the Fulton County Economic Development Corporation from 2015 until August of 2018. Since her departure from the FCEDC, she has gained knowledge and experience within the automotive, construction, insurance and scrap metal recycling industries
Shannon served on the Wauseon Chamber Board of Directors for several years, was a member of Swanton Rotary, along with the National Exchange Club of Toledo. She truly enjoys volunteering and has assisted in event organization for the FCEDC, Wauseon Chamber of Commerce and Triangular Processing’s Festival of Trees. In 2018 she graduated from Fulton Leadership University. Shannon currently resides in the Village of Lyons where she values spending time with her two young daughters, Makayla and Leah. When she’s not spending time with her girls, Shannon enjoys running and everything outdoors!
Holden Benfield
Fiscal Officer
I was born in Detroit, Michigan and moved to Northwest Ohio in 2005. I began college at the age of 13, and graduated from the University of Toledo with my Bachelor’s in Business Administration, as well as my Masters in Accountancy degree in fall of 2021. I’ve spent the past 8 years working and participating in Swanton’s events and am looking forward to the chance to serve the town!
Amy Miller
Administrative Assistant
Amy Miller joined the Village of Swanton in October 2014. She is one of the Administrative Assistants in the office. A few of her responsibilities include assisting the Administrator and Finance Director, working with R.I.T.A. (Regional Income Tax Agency) regarding income tax and collections, assisting with the utility billing, and greeting and assisting community members.
Cindi Pawlaczyk
Administrative Assistant & Utility Billing Clerk
Boards & Commissions
Income Tax Review Board
The Income Tax Review Board meets as needed. Please see Ohio Revised Code 718.11 Local Board of tax review for more information.
Board Members
June 2023–June 2024 term
- Linda Lee
- Willian Pilliod
- Kevin Thornton
Planning Commission
Planning Commission reviews requests for variances to the Swanton Village Zoning Code, Conditional Use Permits, and Site Plan Reviews. Five member commission consisting of the Mayor, and a member of the Village Council; and three electors of the municipality, all appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of a majority of the members elected to Council. Each appointee shall serve for a term of six years, except the member of Council, whose term shall not exceed his or her term of office on Council.
Board Members
2024–2030 term
- Mayor Neil Toeppe (2024-2028)
- Councilman John Schmidt (2024-2028)
- Kevin Young, Chairman (2024-2028)
- Robin Howard (2024-2026)
- Steve Kasprzak (2024-2030)
Records Commission
The functions of the records commission are to provide rules for retention and disposal of records of the municipal corporation, and to review applications for one-time disposal of obsolete records and schedules of records retention and disposition submitted by municipal offices. The commission may dispose of records pursuant to the procedure outlined in section 149.381 of the Revised Code. The records commission, at any time, may review any schedule it has previously approved and, for good cause shown, may revise that schedule under the procedure outlined in that section. The Village of Swanton’s Records Commission is composed of the chief executive or the chief executive’s appointed representative, as chairperson, and the chief fiscal officer, the chief legal officer, and a citizen appointed by the chief executive. The records commission has an appointed secretary, who may or may not be a member of the commission and who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission. The commission may employ an archivist or records manager to serve under its direction. The commission shall meet at least once every six months and upon the call of the chairperson.
Board Members
- R. Kent Murphsee, Village Solicitor
- Shannon Shulters, Village Administrator
- Holden Benfeild, Village Fiscal Officer
- Richard Maynhart
- Mary Smith
Tree Commission
The Swanton Village Tree Commission helps oversee the care, preservation, trimming, planting, replanting, removal or disposition of trees and shrubs in public areas. Members of the Tree Commission help to educate and inform our residents about the proper care and selection of trees and shrubs. The Tree Commission’s mission is to implement the best management practices to help maximize the economic, environmental, and social benefits of a sustainable urban forest for the residents of Swanton, Ohio.
Board Members
Each serves a 3 year term
- Alyssa Walberg (term ends December 31, 2026)
- Geri Visi (term ends December 31, 2026
Ex Officio
- Mayor Toeppe
Village Council Member: advisory, non-voting
Volunteer Auxiliary Commission Members: non-voting