Stormwater management

The Village of Swanton is a permittee under the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program. Stormwater runoff flows directly to our streams and rivers without any filtration or treatment. This causes pollutants to wash into the storm sewers and drains. Pesticides and nutrients from lawns and gardens; oil, grease and toxic chemicals, litter, debris, sediment and pet waste are all forms of pollution.

This permit requires the Village to create and follow a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) that outlines tactics to preserve, protect, and improve the water quality in the Village of Swanton. Please send comments or questions to Joe Tillison 419.826.5891.

For more information on stormwater rules and regulations, if you see someone dumping a storm water pollutant, or if you have a question or concerns call 419.826.2531

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