
Utility Billing

Utility bills are mailed on the first day of each month and are always due on the 15th day of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or a holiday, payment is due no later than 8:00am on the next business day to be considered on time. Payments received after the 15th of the month are subject to a 10% penalty charge. Beginning October 1, 2019, the Village of Swanton will no longer mail Past Due notices.  To check the status of your account 24/7, you may call 877-493-5091 or click here to log in to your account. Unpaid bills may result in utility services being shut off. Shut offs will occur on the 2nd of the month following billing. If the 2nd falls on a weekend or holiday, shut offs will occur the next business day. Late payments must be received no later than 8:00 a.m. on the 2nd of the month to avoid disconnection of service that day. If the 2nd falls on the weekend or holiday, payments must be received by 8:00 a.m. the next business day to avoid disconnection of service that day. Water service will not be restored until payment in full, including the disconnection fee, is received at the Village Municipal Building.

Water & Sewer Rates

New Utility Bill Explanation
Sample Utility Bill shown.
1. View your 12-month water usage history at a glance each month.
2. Your PIN number is exclusive to your account number and service address. You will need this to register your account online to utilize all of the new features!
3. Services provided and billed. If you do not have an outdoor use meter, this line will not appear on your monthly bill. If you do have an outdoor use meter, this line item will appear and you will be charged for outdoor usage once your consumption reaches 2,000 gallons. The Village of Swanton does not have a minimum monthly charge for outdoor usage. If you use less than 2,000 gallons each month, your consumption will be "held" on your account with no charge until it accumulates at least 2,000 gallons.
4. As a reminder, all bills are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payment must be received no later than 8am the next business day to be considered on time and avoid a 10% late penalty. Beginning October 1, 2019—your monthly bill will be the only billing statement you will receive as the Village of Swanton will no longer be mailing Past Due notices. You may, however, sign up to receive email reminders.
5. Shut offs will occur on the 2nd of the month following billing. If the 2nd falls on a weekend or holiday, shut offs will occur on the next business day. Late payment must be received no later than 8am on the 2nd to avoid disconnection of service that day.
6. Watch this area for important announcements and messages from the Village of Swanton!
7. This section should be included with your monthly payment. Please note that it also includes the shut off date for the current monthly bill.

Payment Methods

ACH Direct Payment

The Village of Swanton offers FREE automatic withdrawal of utility bills from your checking or savings account. Click here to download the ACH Direct Payment form.  Complete the form, attach a copy of voided check or deposit slip, then drop off or mail information to the Village Municipal Office to begin having your bill automatically deducted from your checking/savings account on the due date every month.

Online Payments & Paperless Billing

You have the option to pay online, by text and receive email reminders when payment is due. Registration is not required to simply view or pay your bill, however, it is required for email reminders. A $2.95 transaction fee will be charged per payment via third-party processingFollow this link to pay and/or register your account 

Online Payment Highlights:

  • View and pay your bill online anytime with credit card, debit card or e-check
  • Make a one-time payment or register to gain access to all features
  • Receive email notifications when your bill is ready, before the due date and when a payment is past due
  • Sign up to receive text notifications about your bill…you can even pay by text!
Bill Pay

Processed through your bank.  

NOTE: A paper check MAY still be issued by your bank and mailed to the Village of Swanton Municipal Building—please allow extra time for mail delivery. The Village is not responsible for Bill Pays received after the due date. 

Other Payment Options

You are also able to pay utility bills by cash, check or money-order.

  • Exterior Utility Payment Box: Located on the east side of the building by the Police Station. 
    Please do not use cash!
  • Interior Utility Payment Box: Located inside lobby of Municipal Building near the rear entrance.
  • In Person: Pay at 219 Chestnut Street
    Monday through Friday 7:30am–4:00pm.
  • Mail: Village of Swanton
    219 Chestnut Street
    Swanton, OH 43588 
    Please do not mail cash!



Property owners and tenants must not have any outstanding balance on utility accounts with the Village of Swanton and be current on municipality income tax as per Village of Swanton Codified Ordinance 52.07(c). The Village of Swanton currently has a 1.50% Municipal Income Tax administered by the Regional Income Tax Agency (R.I.T.A).

Purchasing a Home

To establish service, property owners need to:

  • Complete an application for service (click here)
  • Provide photo identification
  • Make an appointment to provide access to their property for the Public Service Dept. to read the inside meter.

The completed applications may be brought to the Village of Swanton Municipal Building, 219 Chestnut, open from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm on normal business days without an appointment. Ownership of the property will be verified through the County Auditor’s Office or you may bring a copy of the deed. A photocopy will be made of the owner’s photo I.D. and an appointment set to read the inside meter on the next available business day or as soon as possible.

Renting a Home

To establish service, lease holders need to:

  • Complete an application for service (click here) and pay Utility Deposit Fee*
  • Provide photo identification and a copy of their lease
  • Make an appointment to provide access to their property for the Public Service Dept. to read the inside meter.

The completed applications may be brought to the Village of Swanton Municipal Building, 219 Chestnut, open from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm on normal business days without an appointment. Ownership of the property will be verified through the County Auditor’s Office or you may bring a copy of the deed. A photocopy will be made of the leaseholder’s photo I.D. and an appointment set to read the inside meter on the next available business day or as soon as possible.

Please note that the completed form will also have to be signed by the current landlord before it is considered for processing.

*A $100.00 deposit is required to set up service for a rental property inside the village limits; and a $150.00 deposit is required for property outside of the village limits. The deposit is held for the entire period that you are renting. When you move out, the deposit is applied to your final bill. If there is a credit, the balance will be refunded to you. If there is a balance remaining, you are responsible for payment of remaining balance. Please contact Utility Billing if there are any specific questions at 419-826-9515.

Purchasing a Commercial Property

To establish service, property owners need to:

  • Complete an application for service (click here)
  • Provide photo identification
  • Make an appointment to provide access to their property for the Public Service Dept. to read the inside meter.

The completed applications may be brought to the Village of Swanton Municipal Building, 219 Chestnut, open from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm on normal business days without an appointment. Ownership of the property will be verified through the County Auditor’s Office or you may bring a copy of the deed. A photocopy will be made of the owner’s photo I.D. and an appointment set to read the inside meter on the next available business day or as soon as possible.

Renting a Commercial Property

To establish service, lease holders need to:

  • Complete an application for service (click here) and pay Utility Deposit Fee*
  • Complete Regional Income Tax Form 48 (click here)
  • Provide photo identification and a copy of their lease
  • Make an appointment to provide access to their property for the Public Service Dept. to read the inside meter.

The completed applications may be brought to the Village of Swanton Municipal Building, 219 Chestnut, open from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm on normal business days without an appointment. Ownership of the property will be verified through the County Auditor’s Office or you may bring a copy of the deed. A photocopy will be made of the leaseholder’s photo I.D. and an appointment set to read the inside meter on the next available business day or as soon as possible.

Please note that the completed form will also have to be signed by the current landlord before it is considered for processing.

*A $100.00 deposit is required to set up service for a rental property inside the village limits; and a $150.00 deposit is required for property outside of the village limits. The deposit is held for the entire period that you are renting. When you move out, the deposit is applied to your final bill. If there is a credit, the balance will be refunded to you. If there is a balance remaining, you are responsible for payment of remaining balance. Please contact Utility Billing if there are any specific questions at 419-826-9515.

Government Aggregation

Government aggregation provides group buying power normally resulting in a better price for electric and natural gas generation than an individual’s price.

The residents of the Village of Swanton voted to enter into government aggregation agreements for electricity.  This agreement is an “OPT-OUT” which means all residents are entered into the agreement but each individual ultimately decides what option is best for them and can “opt-out” if they wish.

Current Agreement:

Supplier: Energy Harbor

Contract Terms: May 2023–May 2026

Rate: $0.0696

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