Month: February 2022

Active Transportation Plan Interest Survey

Active Transportation Planning is planning, designing, constructing and maintaining a safe, comfortable, and efficient roadway network for users of all ages and abilities mainly focusing on walking or biking. Active Transportation Planning helps plan a network that provides connectivity, improves safety, supports consistent project implementation, and increases awareness. The Village of Swanton is considering embarking on creating an official Active Transportation Plan to allow for better planning of said networks (espeically towards Oak Openings), increased awareness, and potential funding opportunities. VIllage Council kindly requests your participation in this survey to garner information to help aid in their decision. Please click here to take the quick survey. Thank you in advance!

Snow Emergency- Cancelled

Please be advised that as of 5:00 p.m. on February 4, 2022, the snow emergency will be cancelled within the Village of Swanton.

Snow emergency- february 2, 2022

Due to the ongoing snowfall, in order to facilitate the cleaning of streets and alleys and to expedite the free flow of vehicular traffic, no owner or operator of any vehicle shall park or permit such vehicle to be parked on any street or alley at any time when the accumulation of snow upon the roadway exceeds three inches during any period of 24 hours or less. (Swanton Codified Ordinances 73.05) The Village of Swanton will institute emergency parking restrictions as of 5:30 p.m. on February 2, 2022 and all vehicles parked on the street within the incorporated limits must be removed immediately. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Please be safe if you must be on the roads.

Severe Weather forecaseted February 2-4

Severe weather is forecasted for February 2-4. Village officials have been preparing and we would like to share some important pieces of information with you: As a courtesy, if you are able to make arrangements to park off streets, prior to snow fall, this will allow for more effective and efficient snow removal within the Village of Swanton. If a snow emergency is declared by the Chief of Police, all vehicles must be removed from streets. Our Public Service crews will work in shifts for snow removal. Main thoroughfares are top priority, as this clears these streets for essential and emergency travel. Crews will then focus on secondary and alleys. We ask for your patience as this storm is expected to consistently drop snow for many hours. Crews work towards making streets passable, not perfect. We kindly ask for those who have to be on the roads to go slowly and be mindful of crews as they often have to stop; please keep a safe distance. Plows will, more than likely, have to make multiple passes down streets to keep up with the consistent snow fall; salt will not be applied until snow stops falling. Also, please understand that the Village Public Service crews may not service your road. There are various roads serviced by ODOT, County, or township crews. Once the snow accumulates, fire hydrants may get buried. If you have a fire hydrant near your property, we kindly ask for …

Severe Weather forecaseted February 2-4

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